Japanese Pentatonic Scales
Japanese Pentatonic Scale
Hirajōshi scale (平調子) may refer as “Japanese Pentatonic Scale”. The scale has been used by rock and jazz guitarists in search of ‘new’ sounds
“In Sen” Sachs , Slonimsky : 1 b2 4 b5 b7 -> C-D♭-F-G♭-B♭
Burrows style: 1 3 4# 5 7 -> C-E-F♯-G-B
1 -b2-4-b5-b7
Kumoi Scale
It’s called “The Kumoi (Japanese) Scale“ by Steve Booke, “The Kumoi, or Hon Kumoi Shiouzhi scale, is a pentatonic scale that has a very exotic or, more specifically, Japanese sound.” It’s also known as Speed, Kostka & Payne.
1 2 b3 5 b6 -> C-D-E♭-G-A♭
Key G: G Ab C D Eb
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